Friday, March 24, 2006

Article Search Engine:

Article Search Engine: "Your Online Business will never be perfect by Meda Robinson

If you are planning to start an online business you will have to be aware of the constantly changing environment that occurs on the internet. Like technology internet marketing changes very rapidly and you must constantly react to these changes or you will be left behind.
Years ago the internet was a little more user friendly. All an internet marketer had to do was put up a website and generate some traffic and they had a good chance at being successful. In today's online internet climate things are a little different. Internet marketers are faced with many tasks Today's internet marketers must test each and every part of their internet marketing business and make improvements as they are needed.
In any online marketing campaign there an ongoing process of testing, experimenting, analyzing, and making changes as they are needed. This process is never ending and will always be a work in progress.
You must always be aware of where your sales are coming from whether its search engines, email marketing, or what have you. All this information must be tracked, stored and analyzed. You can usually find this data in you system log files.
You must determine how well your site is performing and is it making a profit to find this out you must keep track of how many visitors you are attracting. You must then find out how many of these visitors are actually buying anything this will determine the overall success of you online business.
You must constantly monitor the performance of every part of your online business. Monitor the performance of your sales letter to see how well people respond to it. Test pricing and sales promotions, color schemes, email campaigns etc,etc.
When making any kind or changes to you website and its components an"

Monday, March 20, 2006

A Slightly Different Approach to Winemaking

A Slightly Different Approach to Winemaking: "A Slightly Different Approach to Winemaking

The Winemaking Home Page
by Jack Keller of Pleasanton, Texas (just south of San Antone)
'If it is not moving, ferment it!'

If you haven't visited The WineMaking Pages yet (see Wine Making in Southampton), you really should. Tom How and Alec Harkness have done to winemaking what Penn and Teller have done to magic, i.e. they've painted it with an undercoating of irreverence while still delivering the essence of what is advertised. It's a delightful, tongue-and-cheek read, but it still manages to be educational.
The Southampton philosophy is simple and can be phrased as follows (my apologies to How and Harkness if I get it wrong!):
Winemaking can be both easy and cheap. Or, you can make it just the opposite.
You can master the technicalities, or simply master the techniques. Remember, the objective is to make wine.
Make as much as you can so that some of it has a chance to mature. Mature wine tastes pretty damned good, but young wine tastes pretty damned good too, if you drink enough of it.
When you make an exceptional wine, it's nice to remember how you did it. That's pretty unlikely.
At Winemaking, we admit that there is a certain attraction to the Southampton philosophy. Good wine can be made easily and cheaply. But mastering the technicalities allows true mastery of the techniques, so we think this is advisable, even if not essential. Aging does improve wine, and self control is as essential in husbanding one's supply as it is in making the stuff. And of course, our position is that you can remember how you made that exceptional wine -- if you follow established recipes and make notations when you deviate. If this spoils the fun of it, then you really do belong in How and Harkness"

Friday, March 17, 2006

Article Search Engine:

Article Search Engine: "This is written for those of you that want an alternative to creating an ebook in PDF format.
It is not the purpose of this article to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ebook compilers with products like Adobe Acrobat. However, before continuing, it is necessary to explain one important difference between them.
To do this considers these two definitions.
An ebook compiler is a software application that converts a document to an executable (.exe) file. The file (or ebook) that is created is a stand-alone file. This simply means that no other software application is required to execute (or read) it.
Adobe Acrobat is a software application that converts a document to a readable (PDF) file. The file (or ebook) that is created is not stand-alone. It requires an application like Adobe Reader to open (or read) it. Now that this is established, we can concentrate on the choice of ebook compiler.
Your choice will depend on what format you have written the content for your ebook. Examples are plain text, HTML, MS Word or MS PowerPoint. If you have used HTML to write your content and want to compile an ebook from HTML code, you may need a working knowledge of the HTML language for some of the available compilers.
There are many ebook Compilers available today. The choice can be very confusing and it can often be difficult to choose one that is right for you. Here are a few pointers.
Ease of Use
If an easy to use compiler is your main priority, check that an instruction manual or adequate documentation is included with the compiler. If this is not included, you may find it time consuming to learn how to use the compiler correctly.
If you wish to sell your ebook, good security features are important. As well as basic features like protecting your eBook content "



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